Your impact matters.

Your impact matters.

In lieu of a 25th anniversary event, we’re holding a Cincinnati Works Day of Giving on Wednesday, April 28.Poverty has increased – the need has never been greater.

Your support has never been more crucial than right now.

Countdown to our Day of Giving!

Your community needs your help.

We’re proud of the impact we’ve made over 25 years. Under different circumstances, we would enthusiastically celebrate our silver anniversary this month.

Considering the ongoing challenges around COVID-19, our priority remains getting our community back to work.

So, in lieu of an anniversary event, we ask you to support our mission by participating in a Cincinnati Works Day of Giving on Wednesday, April 28.

Every dollar you donate will help our neighbors with job-readiness training, job placement, financial coaching, and beyond-the-job coaching.

We’re on a mission to end poverty and we can’t do that without you.

25 Years of Impact

What does 25 years of community impact look like?

We’ve been proud to serve Cincinnati with programs empowering motivated individuals by providing job placement, career & financial coaching and more.

Your generosity and continued support is what will make the next 25 years even more impactful.