Developing the Next Generation

Cincinnati Works is thrilled to announce our newest initiative, the Young Adult Workforce Development Program. Utilizing our nationally recognized workforce development model, we will engage with young adults entering the workforce directly after high school graduation to build a talent pipeline for employers and future employees. The Young Adult Workforce Development Program is a game-changer, as it equips young people with the skills, confidence, and resources they need to launch successful careers.

Empower the next generation today with a gift to Cincinnati Works!

Why Your Support Matters

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

By investing in the Next Generation Legacy Fund, you are directly contributing to end poverty in our community. Your support will provide young adults who are entering directly into the workforce with the tools they need to build a brighter future.

Community Transformation

A poverty-free community benefits everyone. When individuals thrive, the entire community prospers. Your support fosters lasting positive change in Greater Cincinnati.

Proven Impact

Cincinnati Works has a history of success, with more than 8,000 individuals and families lifted out of poverty. With your support, this impact will only grow stronger.