Member Success Stories

Ebony Marshall came to Cincinnati Works looking to improve her life. A young mother, a nurse with a record, and an uncertain future, Ebony worked closely with her Cincinnati Works coach to eventually re-establish her nursing license and started as a part-time aide at the Center for Addiction Treatment (CAT).  

Her continued grit and determination have paid off. She went full-time within a year and was promoted to supervisor her second year. Throughout this time she met regularly with our financial coach, saving money and attaining one of her most important goals—to move to a safer neighborhood with her two children.  

As a result of her dogged dedication, Ebony regained her nursing license and was just promoted to Director of Nursing! If not for Cincinnati Works, I would not have been able to even dream of my new life. I am living proof that a second chance not only makes a difference in my life but the lives of my children, too. I knew I wanted better for them – and now they not only have a better life but I’m proud to be a role-model for them. The comfort, confidence and support I received from Cincinnati Works has been life changing.” 

Only with your continued support can we provide our coaching and financial coaching services to Members like Ebony, who have unbridled determination to succeed.